So, we went to the Polar Express with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Cindy. It's really just a trip on the Heber Creeper up in the Heber/Midway area. (When they say creeper, they really mean it. It literally moves between 12-15 mph) It was FREEZING the night that we went, around 10 degrees, but the kids had a great time with their cousins that they don't see very often (Hank and Presley). Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and I've only received pictures form one source so far. I'll add more as soon as I get them. But here we all are at the end of the ride to see Santa. Yes, Breyden is making a dorky face, but he's a cute dork, huh?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So, I suck - yeah, I know. Anyhow, here's pictures from Halloween of the kids and some crazy dude I picked up on my way home. He was on the side of the freeway collecting trash!

The three kids before Trick or Treating began.

Madi and Addy as Hippies!

Breyden as Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe
The Princess awaits in her "carriage".

And here we have Brandon scaring the neighbors. Just what you want to see roaming the streets!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
CRASH...Go Boom!
Okay, well, one week ago today (last Thursday, Jan 15th) I was involved in an accident while on my way into work, and the most humiliating thing is that it happened 300 feet from my driveway! Right in the middle of the neighborhood. Yay! In short, I failed to yield properly (I checked Left and then Right, but it was more like glance-and-go), and went through the intersection and the other driver was coming up the hill and going over the speed limit (estimated doing 40 mph in a 25 mph zone), we didn't see each other, and she T-boned me in the passenger side. I had my baby with me, strapped into her car seat in the middle of the back seat, so she was fine. My passenger side curtain airgbags deployed, but not the front or driver's side, so thank goodness I had my seatbelt on because that was the only thing that pulled me back and prevented my head from going through my driver's side window. All I remember is suddenly thinking, "Why am I going this way, I'm going to hit that house, I better stop." Once I stopped, I heard Alyssa screaming in the back and realized I couldn't breathe because my seatbelt had done it's job and had me pulled back tightly to the seat. Once I checked on Lyss, I kept looking in my rear-view mirrors for the other driver to get out, and she never did. I called Brandon and told him to come outside quick, not telling him what was wrong, then called 911. Once I got back to the other car, which was now facing down the street, my heart sank as I saw the driver slumped over onto the passenger seat. I tried the doors and couldn't get in (the front of her car is crushed), and all of her front airbags had deployed which is what had knocked her unconscious because she didn't have her seatbelt on. Brandon was able to get to her from the passenger side and supported her head until the EMTs arrived. Long story short, she came to, but was incoherent and couldn't understand what we were saying to her. The ambulance got there, along with at least 6 or 7 responding officers, and half of the neighborhood. Yes, I know the girl, her mother lives in the Cul-de-Sac behind me and is in my ward at church. Yay, again!!
Alas, the moral of the story is, PUT YOUR SEATBELTS ON BEFORE YOU PULL OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY!!! They think maybe she was putting her seatbelt on as she accelerated up the road and that's why she didn't see me. In truth, I honestly did not see her car at all. The sun was just peaking through a crevise in the mountains and the glare could have impared my sight, I really don't know or remember. All I know is that if I wouldn't have had my seatbelt on; if I would have just been putting it on at the time of the crash, I wouldn't have walked away from the accident.
Everyone turned out fine. They had Brandon take me and Alyssa to the hospital to be checked out, and the other driver was at the same hospital. We all received a clean bill of health and were released. We were just a little sore in the neck, back and ribs for a few days. Both of our cars were totaled, which means I'm looking for a new one. Bless my parents' heart, they are letting me use their Highlander until we figure out what to do. Their lease is up on it in July, so we may just buy it out at that point unless we find some other deal before then. I'm just so thankful, and blessed, that what could have been a terrible tragedy turned out okay. Again I say, WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS! You never know when you will be involved in an accident, I certainly didn't think it would happen two houses away from mine!
Anyway, have a great week everyone!
Alas, the moral of the story is, PUT YOUR SEATBELTS ON BEFORE YOU PULL OUT OF THE DRIVEWAY!!! They think maybe she was putting her seatbelt on as she accelerated up the road and that's why she didn't see me. In truth, I honestly did not see her car at all. The sun was just peaking through a crevise in the mountains and the glare could have impared my sight, I really don't know or remember. All I know is that if I wouldn't have had my seatbelt on; if I would have just been putting it on at the time of the crash, I wouldn't have walked away from the accident.
Everyone turned out fine. They had Brandon take me and Alyssa to the hospital to be checked out, and the other driver was at the same hospital. We all received a clean bill of health and were released. We were just a little sore in the neck, back and ribs for a few days. Both of our cars were totaled, which means I'm looking for a new one. Bless my parents' heart, they are letting me use their Highlander until we figure out what to do. Their lease is up on it in July, so we may just buy it out at that point unless we find some other deal before then. I'm just so thankful, and blessed, that what could have been a terrible tragedy turned out okay. Again I say, WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS! You never know when you will be involved in an accident, I certainly didn't think it would happen two houses away from mine!
Anyway, have a great week everyone!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Christmas at the Boydston's

Family Jam-Session to RockBand

The Girls Chillin'
So, Christmas came and went, and I'm finally posting pictures (a big "Thank you" to my mom who remembered to take them!) The family got a big gift this year, Rock Band for the Wii, and Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii, plus a couple other games. Madison, in true Madison style, asked for mostly Aeropostale clothes, and Breyden's big request was games for the Wii and a box of his favorite popcorn (Act II popcorn that can only be found at Sam's Club). Alyssa didn't really care what she got, the only easy thing about her right now! So, after opening presents and while breakfast was cooking, we set up Rock Band. The problem with these games, if your familiar with Guitar Hero you know this, is that you only get a limited number of songs to start out with and have to earn your way to more songs. Well, honestly, I kind-of suck at Guitar Hero and can only play on the Easy-level. So, we started out with our five or six songs and began working from there. Brandon does Guitar, Madi does Lyrics and Brey and I switch off on the drums. At this point, we've only earned 19 of 63 songs available. Although, last night Madi and I earned a new set that included "Dirtly Little Secret", which is one that we actually know. Madi got 100% on the lyrics, (yes, I know, I'm the bad influence.) I know there are secret codes we can find to unlock all of the songs, and I'm half-tempted to find them, because I'm not really interested in playing on the World Circuit Tour or anything, I just want to go jam-out with the kids and relax every now and then. Anyhow, we received a lot of fun stuff from our families, and all-in-all had a great day running around and seeing everyone. But, I'm really glad to be back to work!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New Year, New Year's Resolutions
Well, this year my resolutions are two-fold. I'm going to try not to spend so much money, and maybe start being a saver (yeah, right!), and I'm going to update my blog spot once a month. Any more than that is pushing it!! Updates on the kids:
~Madison is 9 1/2 going on 16 years. She is requesting specific name brand clothes and accessories now. We updated her shuffle over the Christmas break, and because it was being loaded on a new computer, it was going to delete everything on her i-Pod. When I asked her if that was okay, she told me, "Yeah, it's all just baby-stuff on there anyway. Like High-school Musical and Disney stuff." Smirking, I said, "And you don't want that anymore?" Her reply, "No, I'm SO over that!" Brandon said that I'm a bad influence on her, because we like to listen to dance-club music, like Lady Ga-Ga, Paramore, Katy Perry, Fall Out Boy, etc. Oh well, we always have fun in my car with the radio blaring!
~Breyden is 6 1/2, and has started Kindergarten. We held him back one year because his birthday is the end of August and I wanted him to be the oldest kid in his class, not the youngest. So, from April to September, he lost his front eight teeth. His school pictures were a sight to behold! He's playing indoor soccer right now, and is still just the little jock of the neighborhood. He and his friend Gavin can be found playing army video games, soccer, basketball, soccer, etc; those two are always on the move. Oh, and he's already a womanizer; he told us, "I like the 16 year old chickies, they're hot." Yeah, we're in trouble, and we already know it.
~Alyssa turned 1 in November, and she is going to be the one to lead me to medication and alcohol when she's a teenager(Ha, joking). She has a BIG attitude. She rules the roost, and if you weren't sure about that, just tell her No and she'll point out how wrong you are. Our constant saying is that it's a good thing she's cute, it's her only saving grace right now. I can't wait for her to hit the Terrible Twos! I can't even imagine that it could get worse than it is, but I'm sure it can, and in her case, will. She's also discovered M&M's, and this morning before rushing out the door, I found her with a mouthful, and both fists full, clenched in a death-grip, refusing to let them go. Yeah, she's a chocoholic on top of everything else.
After two full weeks home with my kids during the Christmas Break, I can say I have a new respect for daycare providers and stay-at-home moms. I couldn't WAIT to get back to work. It was nice having the time to do laundry and keep up on that, but I'm too independant of a person to stay still and be subjected to another person's schedule. I needed adult interaction!
Anyhow, Christmas pictures to follow, I promise.
~Madison is 9 1/2 going on 16 years. She is requesting specific name brand clothes and accessories now. We updated her shuffle over the Christmas break, and because it was being loaded on a new computer, it was going to delete everything on her i-Pod. When I asked her if that was okay, she told me, "Yeah, it's all just baby-stuff on there anyway. Like High-school Musical and Disney stuff." Smirking, I said, "And you don't want that anymore?" Her reply, "No, I'm SO over that!" Brandon said that I'm a bad influence on her, because we like to listen to dance-club music, like Lady Ga-Ga, Paramore, Katy Perry, Fall Out Boy, etc. Oh well, we always have fun in my car with the radio blaring!
~Breyden is 6 1/2, and has started Kindergarten. We held him back one year because his birthday is the end of August and I wanted him to be the oldest kid in his class, not the youngest. So, from April to September, he lost his front eight teeth. His school pictures were a sight to behold! He's playing indoor soccer right now, and is still just the little jock of the neighborhood. He and his friend Gavin can be found playing army video games, soccer, basketball, soccer, etc; those two are always on the move. Oh, and he's already a womanizer; he told us, "I like the 16 year old chickies, they're hot." Yeah, we're in trouble, and we already know it.
~Alyssa turned 1 in November, and she is going to be the one to lead me to medication and alcohol when she's a teenager(Ha, joking). She has a BIG attitude. She rules the roost, and if you weren't sure about that, just tell her No and she'll point out how wrong you are. Our constant saying is that it's a good thing she's cute, it's her only saving grace right now. I can't wait for her to hit the Terrible Twos! I can't even imagine that it could get worse than it is, but I'm sure it can, and in her case, will. She's also discovered M&M's, and this morning before rushing out the door, I found her with a mouthful, and both fists full, clenched in a death-grip, refusing to let them go. Yeah, she's a chocoholic on top of everything else.
After two full weeks home with my kids during the Christmas Break, I can say I have a new respect for daycare providers and stay-at-home moms. I couldn't WAIT to get back to work. It was nice having the time to do laundry and keep up on that, but I'm too independant of a person to stay still and be subjected to another person's schedule. I needed adult interaction!
Anyhow, Christmas pictures to follow, I promise.
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