So, our Saturday mornings are now occupied at the soccer fields of Pleasant View, UT. Breyden seems to have early games (8:30 am) and Madi's games are at 11:30. Either that, or one is at 11:30, and the other at 11:45. I tell you, we can't win! But, as I sat there watching the games this week, I thought back to only last year when we would drive by and see the sidelines full of moms in folding chairs, wrapped up in blankets. I always thought, "Man, am I glad I'm not them." And now I am one of them!! My father-in-law stated that with the love Breyden has for sports, this is my life for the next 6 years. Then I reminded him that Alyssa isn't even one year yet, this is my life for the next 12 years. Yikes!!
Breyden is the little star of his team. He's so competative that he's mad if the other team scores. Right now, we're working with him on sharing the ball and passing to his team mates. We don't want it to just be "The Breyden Show".

This being only Madison's third game, she's doing pretty good. We've discovered that she can run really fast, if she wants to. Now, we just need to teach her to be aggressive. Unfortunately, I think that is something inherent in kids, not learned. So, as long as she has fun out there, it's worth the cold, rainy, drizzly mornings!
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