I Need Grass!! (Only 2 of the kids shown are mine)
Anyhow, the cement pad ws poured in the back corner, and we rounded up a few neighbors to help assemble and install the fancy basketball hoop. Now we are waiting for fence. After fence, curbing, sprinklers, and by the end of May, grass. Halleluja!!

The other night I noticed two little boys in the empty field behind our house playing "Army" in the big dirt hills back there. They were lying on the dirt and pretending to hide in their fox holes, using their sticks as rifles and I thought, "Man, are those moms going to be mad when they see how dirty you are." Then the boys started walking over to my yard, and I realized, "That's my Boy!" Yes, the greatest thing about dirt hills is you can play army, and the hills come loaded with grenades (dirt clods). Dirt hills also serve as great bike ramps. The kids were thoroughly disappointed when we moved the dirt pile. This weekend my brother-in-law brought over his little front-loader tractor for us to move the big piles of dirt from the back yard to the front. It was much easier than doing it one wheel-barrow-full at a time.
People often ask me where I moved to, and when I tell them, "Down the hill, about 12 houses away," they think I'm crazy. After doing this again, I'M starting to think I'm crazy too. I'll keep you updated on the progress. What with all the additional rock-work we got to do back there, I'm pretty sure the only planting done this year will be the grass. But hey, it's a start!
I actually washed my window once, and it fell through - it was being held together by the dirt.
~Edie Falco
Yeah, another "blogger" to add to my list! I really enjoy this blogging thing!! I think it's a great way to keep up-to-date with people! Good luck with the yard, and the many projects that come with a new home! Your new little one is adorable.
This will be fun to stay in touch.
Your yard looks like it will be beautiful! I like the stone steps up the to higher level. We should go to lunch again sometime in May for our birthdays.
Hey aren't you a pro now at yards I am hiring you when we move. Your mom said you guys have tons of kids to play with that is so awesome. It looks like fun!!!
Hey Paula,
It's Katrina, I was blogging hoppy and came across yours. So are you going to Miley Cyrus in July? :-) I'm not sure how enjoyable the last one would have been for you. Weren't you 9 months pregnant? Your yard is looking great. I remember what hard work it is to do all that. I'm glad it's you and not me. Hope all is well for you. Keep in touch.
(sorry, I had to delete my first post. I have a head cold and forgot to read through my comment before posting it. Yikes!)
We did the yard thing last year and it is so nice to have grass and flowers this spring instead of dirt and rocks. You can just do what I did last year and drive over to your old house to enjoy the spring growth.
I hate putting in a new yard so good luck! And I don't think you are crazy (well, more than I already thought). Just keep telling yourself "It's going to be so pretty!"
Yes, we are going to Hannah Montana again. Marty's family has a tradition of going to Stadium of Fire every year. There was a bit of an issue this year, since we weren't able to get the dang tickets. But, we finally found some but are paying almost double the face value. We have always had seats in about the 8 row up. That is not the case this year, they are nose bleeds. I would never have gone again, but the whole family is going.
Don't scare my about the sassiness. I don't know how I am going to make it through the teenage years. I think I just might need some heavy medication!
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