Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our First Post

Alright, I've caved in. Here is the first post to our blog. Not much to report on right now. We're gearing up for soccer starting this weekend, and T-Ball/Softball starts the first week of May. Somewhere in there we have to find time for homework! Homework?!?! We don't have time for homework! Plus we have Kindergarten round-up in about 2 weeks.

Anyhow, right now we've been in our house for about 7 months, and we're just starting the process of putting in the yard. It's like Deja-Vu all over again. Didn't we just do this two years ago? Well, as this project progresses, I'll make sure to post pictures showing the transformation from dirt and weeds, to grass and flowerbeds. At this point, all we have in the yard is the in-ground trampoline, but it is the hit of the neighborhood. I have to say that I'm glad we put out the extra money for the really good tramploline. When I returned home from my walk last night, we had eight kids on the tramp, and Brandon! They were all trying to "crack" him, like an egg; shockingly it didn't work. The funny thing was listening to them all chant his name, "Brandon, Brandon!", encouraging him to keep jumping with them. He's like a big kid out there with the kids, jumping on the tramp, playing soccer. It's a good thing my kids have such a great, fun dad!

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.

~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

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