So, May and June were very hectic. Yes, I know, I havent updated since the end of April. We finished soccer mid-May, and swiftly moved onto T-Ball and Softball which lasted through the end of June. At one point we had soccer on Saturdays, T-Ball and Softball on Mondays and Wednesdays, and practice on Thursdays. It was CRAZY. We have the yard finished (thank goodness), with pictures to follow. We celebrated Madi's bithday on June 28th, because we were going to be out of town on July 4th, her actual birthday. Now, with all of these other prior engagements out of the way, it's time to just focus on enjoying the yard, the summer, and doing a little camping now and then. I also promise to try and update a little more frequently, at least once a month. More could be pushing it! I've included a couple pictures below, just a few highlights of the last little while.

Breyden, Ready Position!

Breyden, Alyssa and Brandon waiting for the Parade
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